Revealing the Wisdom of Viral Adaptations: Empowering Affirmations for Healing

Be Aware of Your Thinking: Empowering Wisdom to Create a Better Future

In these uncertain times, it is crucial to be mindful of our thoughts and embrace a mindset that empowers us. Fear of the unknown can easily consume us, hindering our ability to move forward and make positive changes. However, by consciously redirecting our thinking and cultivating a sense of inner strength, we can overcome these fears and pave the way for a better future.

As a visionary with a deep understanding of world events, I, Katrina Jean Taylor, had foreseen the impact of viruses years ago. In this article, I will share the affirmations and insights that can help us navigate the challenges posed by viruses, particularly focusing on the current context of COVID-19.

Affirmations for COVID:

  1. Viruses make me stronger.

  2. I am able to accept my own truth.

  3. I let go of blame.

  4. I calm my nervous system with integrity.

  5. I never lose my identity when my immune system is compromised.

  6. I wake up my natural healing abilities.

  7. I notice changes in my saliva when my body is healing.

  8. I reduce the need to blame.

  9. I stay objective around people who judge.

  10. I can adapt.

  11. I can listen to the harmonic healing tones that heal my cells.

  12. I live in harmony with myself.

  13. My mind creates a peaceful environment.

Throughout history, humans and viruses have coexisted, undergoing a dance of natural selection and adaptation. These vibrating energies have allowed both parties to not only survive but also evolve over time. From my observations, viruses possess their own form of consciousness and belief system, often influenced by the collective consciousness of the society they exist in.

To eliminate a virus or foster cohabitation with its intelligence, it is essential to track its presence within the body. By scanning, identifying its dormant locations, and engaging in communication, a shift in the virus's belief system can be initiated. This transformation is accompanied by a vibrant, energetic shift, represented by a new tone heard within the host's body.

In the context of herpes, collective beliefs can contribute to feelings of lost opportunities, self-blame, and the need for reclusion. Healing the herpes virus involves tracing its vibration from the spine through various organs, such as the immune system, gallbladder, pancreas, and eyes. Care must be taken to avoid dispersing the virus into the lungs, another organ it may attack.

Intuitively, one can visualize a cloud enveloping the spine of the herpes host, akin to a mold or fungus that targets the immune system's white cells. Techniques such as touching the thyroid, envisioning the color red, taking three breaths, focusing on the figure eight, and listening to intuitive guidance play a crucial role in the healing process. It is important to observe objectively, trusting in divine timing and the innate intuition that guides us toward the right actions.

Affirmations for Healing Herpes:

  1. I can adapt. I know how to adapt. Change vibrates through every cell of my being.

  2. I love my body and take action to care for myself.

  3. I recognize the presence of herpes and let it go.

By embodying these affirmations and incorporating intuitive healing practices, I have witnessed herpes transitioning from frequent and intense eruptions to fewer and smaller attacks, ultimately empowering individuals on their healing journey.

Embrace these affirmations and the wisdom they carry as we navigate the challenges posed by viruses, including the current global pandemic. Together, we can adapt, heal, and transform our lives with resilience and inner strength.

Boost Your Natural Immunity: Discover the Power of Self-Healing through Breathwork Meditation

Welcome to the "3 Steps to Self-Heal Using Breathwork Meditation" podcast, where we delve into the transformative potential of Direction Technique breathwork. I, Katrina Jean Taylor, a writer and energy healer with profound knowledge in the field, am here to guide you on a journey towards boosting your body's natural immunity and gaining clarity.

Step 1: Find Your Pulse and Visualize Red

Begin by placing your finger on your thyroid gland, located in your neck. By doing so, you establish a connection with your body's pulse. As you touch your thyroid, visualize the color red, allowing its vibrant energy to flow throughout your being.

Step 2: Click Your Jaw and Take Three Inhaling Breaths

Clicking your jaw serves as a powerful trigger to shift your focus inward. Take three deep breaths through your mouth, allowing the breath to cleanse and rejuvenate your body. With each inhalation, you invite healing energy into your system.

Step 3: Intentional Awareness of Breath's Path within Your Body

During this step, set the intention to notice where the breaths go inside your body. This heightened awareness enables you to identify areas where energy may be stagnant or blocked, hindering your healing process. By identifying and clearing these blockages, you pave the way for powerful self-healing.

Throughout the podcast, we explore various topics related to self-healing through breathwork meditation:

  1. The Importance of Saliva in Self-Healing Discover why saliva serves as a vital indicator of your body's healing progress, signifying the effectiveness of energy work.

  2. Exploring Body Talk: Communicating and Listening to Your Body Uncover the profound connection between body and mind as we delve into the practice of body talk. By engaging in open communication with your body, you can release stuck energy and experience powerful healing.

In addition to these topics, we address thought-provoking questions:

  • How do the three breaths facilitate healing within the body?

  • How can you navigate conflict situations with objectivity and non-reactivity?

  • Why is self-healing particularly urgent in the context of our lives today?

  • What steps can you take to create a better future for yourself and those around you?

Join interviewer Nicole Sheppard and myself, Katrina Jean Taylor, in this enlightening podcast as we provide answers to these questions and guide you on a path of self-healing and personal transformation. Tune in and unlock the power of breathwork meditation to enhance your well-being and shape a brighter future.

Dreams Revealed: Harnessing the Power of Interpretation for Self-Healing and Inner Stability

Unlocking the Power of Dream Interpretation: Empowering Self-Healing and Inner Stability with Katrina Jean Taylor, Medical Intuitive and Dream Interpreter

Welcome to the "5 Steps to Discover the Power of Interpreting Your Dreams" podcast, where we delve into the profound realm of dreams and their transformative potential. I am Katrina Jean Taylor, a medical intuitive, dream interpreter, and clairvoyant dedicated to guiding individuals on their path of self-healing and finding inner stability.

Step 1: Affirmation of Dream Recall

Before you embark on your slumber, set the intention by writing down the affirmation, "I remember my dreams." This simple act primes your mind to be receptive to the messages and wisdom that your dreams hold.

Step 2: Building Your Dream Diary

Upon awakening, begin to fill in your dream diary, capturing as much detail as possible. Write down vivid imagery, emotions, and experiences you recall. For example, "whales came close to my feet while wading in the ocean." These detailed accounts serve as valuable keys to unlocking the deeper meanings within your dreams.

Step 3: Reflecting on Emotions and Insights

Record in your dream diary the emotions and insights you gained from your dreams. These aspects provide valuable clues and guidance for understanding the messages and lessons that your dreams offer.

Step 4: Accessing Deeper Meanings

Challenge yourself to delve deeper into the meanings embedded within your dreams. Ask thought-provoking questions to unravel hidden insights and symbols that may hold significance in your waking life. Embrace a sense of curiosity and open-mindedness as you explore the profound revelations that await you.

Step 5: Centering Yourself with Direction Technique Healing Breaths

Harness the power of the Direction Technique's healing breaths to center yourself and access your inner wisdom. By engaging in three intentional breaths, you create a space for self-reflection, allowing your inner answers to surface.

Throughout the podcast, I will share insights and provide answers to questions surrounding dream interpretation. Some examples include:

  • The significance of recurring dreams and visiting the same place

  • Understanding dreams featuring deceased relatives

  • Exploring the specific times or sleep cycles when dreams hold meaning

  • Unveiling the concept of Astral Traveling

  • Shedding light on the nature of night healing dreams

Join me, alongside interviewer Nicole Sheppard, as we explore these fascinating topics and delve into the depths of dream interpretation. Together, we will unravel the power of dreams as a transformative tool for self-healing and gaining inner stability.

Tune in to our podcast to discover more questions, insights, and guidance on unlocking the power of your dreams. Embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and healing as we explore the profound wisdom that your dreams hold.

Nurturing Resilience: Uniting Science, Energy Healing, and Indigenous Wisdom in the Global Virus Pandemic - A Podcast with Katrina Jean Taylor

Awakening Resilience: Combining Science, Energy Healing, and Indigenous Wisdom in the Global Virus Pandemic - A Podcast with Katrina Jean Taylor

Amidst the ongoing global virus pandemic, the need for a holistic approach combining science, medical intervention, energy healing, and Indigenous knowledge becomes ever more apparent. Join medical intuitive Katrina Jean Taylor in this captivating podcast as she shares her profound insights, intuitive senses, and experience with the intelligence of viruses.

In a world grappling with new strains of viruses, Katrina Jean Taylor guides us towards creating resilience and awakening the body's natural healing abilities. Drawing from a rich tapestry of intuitive wisdom, Indigenous knowledge, and scientific understanding, she offers a unique perspective on navigating these challenging times.

Discover how the integration of science and energy healing can work in harmony to strengthen our immune systems and foster inner resilience. Explore the power of Indigenous wisdom in cultivating a deeper connection with the natural world and harnessing its healing potential. Through Katrina's expertise and intuitive insights, gain a renewed sense of empowerment in the face of viruses and a greater understanding of our interconnectedness with all of life.

Join us in this engaging podcast as we embark on a transformative journey towards awakening resilience and embracing the innate healing abilities within us. Tune in to Katrina Jean Taylor's profound wisdom and guidance as we navigate the current global virus pandemic with a holistic approach that combines science, energy healing, and Indigenous knowledge.

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Unleashing Intuitive Healing: Adapting to Viruses with Energy Healer Katrina Jean Taylor

Awakening Healing Abilities: Evolving and Adapting to Viruses - An Interview with Energy Healer Katrina Jean Taylor and Nicole Sheppard"

Discover the captivating insights and empowering wisdom shared in this remarkable podcast as renowned energy healer Katrina Jean Taylor joins interviewer Nicole Sheppard. Together, they delve into the fascinating realm of evolving and adapting to viruses using our intuitive abilities.

In a world grappling with unprecedented challenges, Katrina Jean Taylor believes in the inherent power within us to awaken our natural healing abilities and coexist with viruses. Join us as we explore how to take control of your health and become stronger than the virus itself.

Uncover the truth behind Katrina's predictions made in 2020 and witness how they have unfolded into reality. Gain profound insights into harnessing your intuitive capabilities, empowering yourself to navigate the complexities of our current world with resilience and inner strength.

Don't miss this enticing opportunity to tap into the transformative potential of intuitive healing and embark on a journey towards holistic well-being. Tune in to the interview between Katrina Jean Taylor and Nicole Sheppard, and unlock the secrets to evolving and adapting in the face of viruses.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Pathways of a Virus


Case Study: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)

A client of mine had suffered from severe CFS for many years and was disheartened by his inability to find a cure. I asked him if he had ever had a temperature or fever that did not decline. He said he had, only a few years back. “No,” I replied, “I’m not referring to that occasion. What about the first time, when you were in another part of Australia?” “Oh, yes,” he exclaimed. “I had a fever that would not go down and had to be hospitalized. The doctors could not tell what was causing it.”

It was then that the virus first entered this young man’s body. We managed to track the origins of his illness and used the Direction Technique to heal his body from the time of that initial attack.

Another client with CFS feared losing control, especially of his muscles. Once I managed to empower him, he decided to remove himself from the collective consciousness of those who felt unable to recover from the syndrome.

Tracing the tone of this virus involves examining the brain, shoulders,and stomach, followed by the muscular system in general and the calf muscles in particular. The virus is often intuitively seen in the lining of the intestines and also creates problems with the heart vibration. Eliminating it involves a lifting of the spirit. Collectively, individuals need to feel capable of and be allowed to finally change and experience new energy.

Focus For Direction - How to Self Heal and Find Your Own Answers

Katrina Jean Taylor

Regrowing Hope: The Miraculous Journey of Self-Healing to Regrow Cartilage

Embrace the Power of Self-Healing and Witness Miracles Unfold

Prepare to be inspired by the remarkable story of Vonny, a 75-year-old woman who defied the odds and regained her mobility by regrowing her cartilage. Her journey serves as a beacon of hope for those facing similar challenges, showcasing the transformative potential of self-healing.

Through a powerful combination of meditation, therapy, exercise, and the Direction Technique, Vonny embarked on a path of healing for her knee. As she dedicated herself to this holistic process, she experienced an incredible outcome: the regrowth of her cartilage. Vonny attributes this miraculous transformation to her unwavering positive mindset and the profound belief in her body's ability to heal. Remarkably, she believes that her two MRI scans played a vital role in amplifying her faith and conviction in the healing process.

Vonny's story stands as a testament to the remarkable potential we possess to tap into the innate healing abilities within ourselves. It serves as a reminder that miracles can manifest when we align our mindset, actions, and belief systems towards the path of self-healing.

Join us as we delve into Vonny's inspiring journey and explore the power of self-healing that lies within each of us. Witness the incredible potential of the human body and the limitless possibilities that arise when we embrace the power of belief and cultivate a positive mindset.

Embrace the extraordinary power of self-healing and witness the miracles that can unfold in our lives. Tune in to uncover Vonny's awe-inspiring story and embark on a transformative journey that will awaken your own belief in the miraculous potential of self-healing.


Whale, Dolphin & Crystal Bowl Meditations?

When I was a young girl, playing in the bush close by the ocean. I was lost for seven hours in thick scrub, I knew by watching the sun it would guide me home to safety. Instead of being afraid, I felt calm in nature. I watched the trees, noticing how the sun hit the side of the trees. I knewthe trees and sun would guide me west towards the ocean. My instincts kicked in, my adrenals and cortisol levels rose. I walked at a fast pace, as the sun was dimming to find the sea. Once there, I knew the way back to my holiday home. It was here that I discovered a secret place, where I had my first experience with dolphins. They came close to shore and watched me. I then knewI was destined to help others feel this inner joy, and hear the healing sounds of the dolphins and whales.


The sounds of the crystal bowls vibrate to certain parts of your body to remove stuck energy, allowing space for the body's natural healing powers to awaken. These memories brought me to now, and I recognise this happiness. 


You can find inner happiness by taking three simple breathes, stopping and listening to the harmonic tones of dolphins, whales and the crystal bowls. That brings an inner peace that helps you to feel free to be happy. 

Sound healing can produce changes in the autoimmune, nervous, endocrine, and every cell in the body. You just need to know how to enhance your hearing to allow these sounds to travel throughout the body.

The sounds of the crystal singing bowls connect us to the old natural way to heal and use a holistic approach to improve the mind, body, and soul. This meditation can be used in alignment with the medical field to assist the body's natural abilities to create energy and heal. Sound Healing can be used as a holistic approach to mind, body healing and spiritual healing. The 7 glands in your body, pineal, pituitary, thyroid, thymus, adrenals, pancreas, reproductive organs, as well as every cell in your vibrates, vibrates with an energy force. By directing the harmonic sounds of the crystal bowl, dolphins and whales sounds, you can vibrate with these frequencies of sounds and with focused intentions create energy inside and in your environment. Energy systems are the key to healing, and you can tap into the power of this vibration to heal.

 The crystal singing bowl sounds help you direct focus on healing your thyroid, pituitary, pancreas, adrenals, reproductive and pineal glands. Helping with sleep, feeling calm, anxiety, happiness, and what you need to help you.

 Many have asked me, "Do I clean, chakras?" "Yes, I answered, but would you like to know how to also clear your glands of blocked energy?" These meditations allow you to be your own medical intuitive to empower you to wake up your body's natural healing abilities

Katrina Jean Taylor


Directed Technique Calm, Clear & Connected, Free to be me, Free to be happy, Joy & Love Living Lightly, Nourish Your Child Meditations & Medical Intuitive Energy Healing Workshop

"I listened to the Direction Technique meditations and had the most profound experience. I became very conscious of the swishing of air and of my own breathing becoming louder.

There seemed to be a flow on effect. I experienced a profound sound and felt vibrations across the top half of my chest up to my neck area. The sound resonated though this area over several seconds changing in tone. Initially the tone was deep, widespread and became shallower. I listened to my own breath and knew my body was being healed. I found using earphones to connect to the audio meditations made me conscious of my own breath. 

I became aware of the learnings of the medical intuitive workshop the week before, where I heard the crystal sound meditation. I believe it had a ripple effect on that day. I was more focused on where the breath went in my body. 

The routine of focussing on particular words, after the last Direction Technique workshop gives you a personal response and insight and thereby opens up new possiblities. 

Katrina gave homework after the meeting to gain knowledge, strategies and direction. I developed a routine of going through these words and found I did not need to spend hours, but at times, seconds to find new insights, feel change and improve my health. What I enjoyed about this work is it specifically tailored to myself. Self propel by doing your own energy work."
Ros Andre

"At times when I feel anxious, I listen to the Meditations. Each Direction Technique meditation has a different effect. Free to be Me and Free to be Happy audio meditations helps me feel calmer and the more I can be feel free to be myself. If I'm not feeling well, feel a bit flat and have a sore throat, I listen to Free to be Happy meditation. Joy and Love: Living Lightly meditation lifts my energy.  I take note of certain glands when I listen to the meditations. (This day was the pituitary and pancreas gland) and I recognise an increase of saliva in my mouth. When I drive to work, I listen to Free to be Me meditation. I find any feelings of anxiety leave, especially after I have attended the medical intuitive monthly workshops, where I learn how to place my intentions and thoughts to heal my 7 glands. The Calm, Clear & Connected  meditation crystal bowl meditation clears my energy field, helps me sleep and remove stuck energy.  

After doing workshops, and being more focussed with my intentions, the meditations seem to be more direct. I can scan my own body and was directed to parts of my body that alerted me that I needed to do a healing.  The next day all pain in ribs gone.

I listened to the Free to be Me meditation and physically felt tingling sensations around my feet. If I have had a bad sleep, I listen in my lunch break to feel more energy, stay calm and to stay focused at work.  My colleague noticed, that I look brighter and my eyes become sparkly. It helps me feel calm.
Nicole Sheppard

"When I think of a dolphin, I automatically smile and feel  happy. The best thing I enjoy when I listen to the Direction Technique meditations, is when I'm walking and driving my car." 
Joyce Perrier-Helmuth

"I see owls when I do the Direction Technique meditations and they make me feel happy."
Judy Sheppard

"I see wolves"
Aria Sheppard (14 years old)

"The Direction Technique Lift Your Energy and be Happy meditation helps me feel more awake, refreshed, light and I feel a better"
Harper Sheppard (12-years-old)".

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                                         Centre Yourself for Happiness and Health.
The Direction Technique Meditation is designed to balance your glands for your body to feel energised. This is different to other meditations because listening to the sounds of the crystal singing bowls, calms you and energises at the same time, as well balances your 7 glands.

These active meditation helps you balance your life body and bring energy in at the same time while calming your nervous system. It brings together the peaceful sounds of the crystal singing bowls, focused intentions for the mind, and balances the chakras of the body, and the endocrine system which are aligned with the body’s endocrine, hormonal system and helps you to bring energy into your body.

Direction Technique "Three Quick Breaths" Radio Interview: Click here to listen

Charlotte View proudly presents "The Direction Technique™. The 7 Glands Healing" with Shaman Down Under, Katrina Jean Taylor (She who Swims with the Dolphin). Katrina is the founder of the Direction Technique™ and is an internationally renowned teacher, speaker and healer. She is a leading medical intuitive who is at the forefront of energy healing for the world with her breakthrough healing method, Direction Technique™. She has the ability to see intuitively into the body and find the origins of a problem (medical illness, emotional, mental, or physical). Her work focuses on supporting the intuitive guidance and the body’s self-healing capacity to be healed. 

During this episode, Katrina will use all her higher gifts (spiritual healer, speaker, clairvoyant) to increase the use of listeners own intuitive powers. Her ability to work with energy helps callers: • identify and remove blocked energy and regain stability. • use energy wisely to attract positive energy into our lives. • Full awareness of how the healings have helped their body, mind and soul. • Replace Mental Clutter is with Clarity and Direction. • Personalized Channeled Messages

To use your intuitive energy wisely is to look within for answers, then you can change your perceptions to bring peace into your life. You will be taught how to use your own intuition to heal yourself and so you can take action to change immediately instead of years. 

Katrina "She who Swims with Dolphins" explains that a heart connection develops when swimming with the dolphins, real or in medication. It can bring a sense of calmness, strength, relief of tension, and raise ancient intuitive skills and develop whole brain learning.

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Be One Step Ahead of the Virus

All the cells in the body are intelligent and if you understand that every part of your body is interconnected, and then your intuitive senses are intensified, your mind and body communicate energetically, as well you build a resistance to viruses and build antibodies against the virus

After years of witnessing clients adapt, change and progress to move forward, I have discovered that these viruses in the world are present to help humankind evolve and survive helping to increase the strength of the immune system to adjust to the sudden rapid increase of changing climatic environments.

Viruses have their own collective thought systems and they are intelligent. They have collective thought systems, just like the human thought systems. Therefore we need to learn how to communicate with the body, as well as the virus.

Instead of thinking, “I want to get rid of the virus”. It may benefit you to think, “How is this virus helping me evolve”. This is forward thinking. To change your own perceptions and look at alternative ways to communicate in the world, and that means, to understand that training the intuitive sense of telepathy will guide you to be in the right place at the right time.

Another explanation of telepathy is clairvoyance, extrasensory skills, and premonition or a sixth sense. However I think it goes beyond a 6th sense. I think we have more senses to acquire and we need to accomplish this now, so we then can predict a future.

If we do this, then people will have insights on how to develop new ways of thinking, even scientifically to find ways to heal the planet, and our environment.

What I have discovered after continually healing myself using the Direction Technique, that I communicate with the intelligence of the virus, “the collective thoughts systems of the virus” and these beliefs, conscious thoughts help me heal.

I reference “Adapting to the future”, in the same context as, training your intuitive senses to facilitate “Visionary Skills”. In history, people used the term “Seer”, for people who had the ability of being a channel, psychic, medium or forecaster. It is time now for people to learn how to be there own “Seer” so they regain hope to live a fulfilling life.

That is why in February I will be presenting the “Visionary” workshop, which concentrates on vibrating energy inside the pituitary gland. This gland needs to be stimulated not only for physical functional reasons, but to develop the ability to “see” the future. I will also help vibrate energy into the thymus gland, which helps the body build up its immune system.

That is another reason why I developed, refined the simple “Direction Technique”. This teaches people to look into their own future.  To learn to be their own “Visionary”, or “Seer.” Then they have the ability to use the neurons in their brain to take action and create a positive future.

The next generation needs a future. What I have acknowledged is, it is important to reflect on the past, the present, change perceptions, but the Direction Technique teaches you tools to be objective, look at the past, present and future.

The unique system, the “Direction Technique” trains your intuitive senses (psychic senses), balances your hormones and glands to prepare you for your future, meaning, and foresight.

Use Your Brainwaves to Heal

To train your neurons in your brain is the key to a successful future. To train your energy helps you notice that you can be control of your own destiny and create a future, so that you let go of past hurts, allow the correct energy to support you and you will find you will be in the right place at the right time.

Say thank you to yourself for any struggles in your life and then change what is not working for you. Then say, thank you for the virus for slowing you down, to allow your brain, your neurons, your psychic senses, to adapt and make the changes to help you evolve.

The benefits of being able to adapt to the new viruses are your immune system and glands, psychic ability evolve and you begin the process of learning the next intuitive sense – foresight.

The benefits for the world to being able to adapt to the new viruses is, the human consciousness can wake up their intelligence and be aware of how energy affects peoples’ psychi, body functions and these evolved intelligent minds that are stable, will be able to feel compassion, therefore this intelligence will bring forth new technology to heal the planet. The world will understand that energy will heal our planet.  

The Direction Technique will help you adapt if you get the virus. It helps you be aware how the collective conscious beliefs of the world, especially in times of crisis affect individuals. For example throughout history, world wars, economic instability, collective thoughts of worry, despair, lack of financial independence, allows the human mind to weaken, the immune system to weaken, and then becomes a host for the intelligence of the collective beliefs of the virus.

Focus For Direction
 How to Self Heal and Find Your Own Answers

In my book, Focus for Direction-How to Self Heal and Find Your Own Answers, I have stated the collective beliefs that attract diseases, alongside showing the harmonic pathway of sound vibration that tracks the virus pathways in the body and heals the body.

These viruses have certain sounds, and each virus sound is different. That is why I take people to communicate with the dolphins’ sound vibration and teach you to intuitively communicate to prepare their auditory senses, to self heal and enhance auditory senses for self healing.

Within my book, I have documented case studies of how the Direction Technique healed a stomach, tinnitus, deafness all of which were caused by viruses, as well explaining what the sounds are of herpes, shingles, chicken pox, HIV/AIDs, influenza. However, the most important message I want to share to the world how the power of energy and harmonic sound vibrations can heal a body and the virus.                             

Each of us has the power and ability already within us to create a positive life. When you add the new energy of Direction Technique you are able to channel your existing energy into a form that helps your neurons to function at a new level that allows for new thought positivity to vibrate in your cells and is transmitted throughout your body and brain to help you to regain hope and live a fulfilling life.

Katrina Jean Taylor

Medical Intuitive/Energy Healer


