Revitalize Your Energy & Connect to Joy

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Revitalize Your Energy  & Connect to Joy.png

Revitalize Your Energy & Connect to Joy


Dolphin and Whale Meditation with Direction Technique Breathwork

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Elevate Your Energy and Connect to Joy: Dolphin and Whale Meditation with Direction Technique

Unlock Your Inner Joy with Dolphin and Whale Meditation.

Elevate your energy and tap into your inner happiness with this unique Direction Technique Dolphin Meditation. Unlike other meditations, this guided practice combines the soothing sounds of dolphins and whales to calm and energize your mind and body simultaneously.

By balancing rest and play and connecting your heart and head, this active meditation helps you to find inner peace and alleviate symptoms of anxiety, depression, fatigue, and overthinking. This meditation helps you to balance your endocrine and hormonal systems, love yourself, and create a spiritual heart connection between you and the dolphin.

With the option to have your eyes open or closed, touch your thyroid located below the adams apple or the hollow of your neck, and visualize a figure eight symbol rotating inside while you take three quick breaths with your mouth open. Release any negative thoughts and toxins by blowing a deep breath out.

Quietly say to yourself "I am free to be me," "I allow my soul to be happy," and "I believe in myself." Take time to notice what your soul wants and trust in your ability to visualize with pure intentions and understand the pureness of your soul.

Experience the healing power of the dolphin and whale sounds and elevate your energy with "Unlock Your Inner Joy with Dolphin and Whale Meditation."
Find relief from feeling overwhelmed and stressed. The Direction Technique quick meditation is different from other mindful exercises, because listening to the sounds of dolphins’ and whales, calms you and energizes at the same time. This active meditation helps you balance your life, calm your nervous system and change the way you think and feel of being overwhelmed or stressed. It brings together the happiness of the dolphin sounds, focussed intentions for the mind. It balances the glands of the body, which is part of with the body’s endocrine, hormonal system. Lift your energy, feel lighter, and connect to joy and happiness The beauty of this meditation is it can be done all through the day and night. Even while you are walking or doing daily activities, you can have relief from feelings of overwhelm or stress.

Direction Technique Three Quick Breaths Meditations

 ©2017 Direction Technique three Quick Breath Dolphin & Whale Meditation: Lift Your Energy & Be Happy
Direction Technique reserves all rights on the owner of copyright in this sound recording. Any copying, renting, lending, diffusion,  public performance or broadcast of this soundtrack without the authority of the copyright owner is prohibited. Made in Australia