
Be One Step Ahead of the Virus

All the cells in the body are intelligent and if you understand that every part of your body is interconnected, and then your intuitive senses are intensified, your mind and body communicate energetically, as well you build a resistance to viruses and build antibodies against the virus

After years of witnessing clients adapt, change and progress to move forward, I have discovered that these viruses in the world are present to help humankind evolve and survive helping to increase the strength of the immune system to adjust to the sudden rapid increase of changing climatic environments.

Viruses have their own collective thought systems and they are intelligent. They have collective thought systems, just like the human thought systems. Therefore we need to learn how to communicate with the body, as well as the virus.

Instead of thinking, “I want to get rid of the virus”. It may benefit you to think, “How is this virus helping me evolve”. This is forward thinking. To change your own perceptions and look at alternative ways to communicate in the world, and that means, to understand that training the intuitive sense of telepathy will guide you to be in the right place at the right time.

Another explanation of telepathy is clairvoyance, extrasensory skills, and premonition or a sixth sense. However I think it goes beyond a 6th sense. I think we have more senses to acquire and we need to accomplish this now, so we then can predict a future.

If we do this, then people will have insights on how to develop new ways of thinking, even scientifically to find ways to heal the planet, and our environment.

What I have discovered after continually healing myself using the Direction Technique, that I communicate with the intelligence of the virus, “the collective thoughts systems of the virus” and these beliefs, conscious thoughts help me heal.

I reference “Adapting to the future”, in the same context as, training your intuitive senses to facilitate “Visionary Skills”. In history, people used the term “Seer”, for people who had the ability of being a channel, psychic, medium or forecaster. It is time now for people to learn how to be there own “Seer” so they regain hope to live a fulfilling life.

That is why in February I will be presenting the “Visionary” workshop, which concentrates on vibrating energy inside the pituitary gland. This gland needs to be stimulated not only for physical functional reasons, but to develop the ability to “see” the future. I will also help vibrate energy into the thymus gland, which helps the body build up its immune system.

That is another reason why I developed, refined the simple “Direction Technique”. This teaches people to look into their own future.  To learn to be their own “Visionary”, or “Seer.” Then they have the ability to use the neurons in their brain to take action and create a positive future.

The next generation needs a future. What I have acknowledged is, it is important to reflect on the past, the present, change perceptions, but the Direction Technique teaches you tools to be objective, look at the past, present and future.

The unique system, the “Direction Technique” trains your intuitive senses (psychic senses), balances your hormones and glands to prepare you for your future, meaning, and foresight.

Use Your Brainwaves to Heal

To train your neurons in your brain is the key to a successful future. To train your energy helps you notice that you can be control of your own destiny and create a future, so that you let go of past hurts, allow the correct energy to support you and you will find you will be in the right place at the right time.

Say thank you to yourself for any struggles in your life and then change what is not working for you. Then say, thank you for the virus for slowing you down, to allow your brain, your neurons, your psychic senses, to adapt and make the changes to help you evolve.

The benefits of being able to adapt to the new viruses are your immune system and glands, psychic ability evolve and you begin the process of learning the next intuitive sense – foresight.

The benefits for the world to being able to adapt to the new viruses is, the human consciousness can wake up their intelligence and be aware of how energy affects peoples’ psychi, body functions and these evolved intelligent minds that are stable, will be able to feel compassion, therefore this intelligence will bring forth new technology to heal the planet. The world will understand that energy will heal our planet.  

The Direction Technique will help you adapt if you get the virus. It helps you be aware how the collective conscious beliefs of the world, especially in times of crisis affect individuals. For example throughout history, world wars, economic instability, collective thoughts of worry, despair, lack of financial independence, allows the human mind to weaken, the immune system to weaken, and then becomes a host for the intelligence of the collective beliefs of the virus.

Focus For Direction
 How to Self Heal and Find Your Own Answers

In my book, Focus for Direction-How to Self Heal and Find Your Own Answers, I have stated the collective beliefs that attract diseases, alongside showing the harmonic pathway of sound vibration that tracks the virus pathways in the body and heals the body.

These viruses have certain sounds, and each virus sound is different. That is why I take people to communicate with the dolphins’ sound vibration and teach you to intuitively communicate to prepare their auditory senses, to self heal and enhance auditory senses for self healing.

Within my book, I have documented case studies of how the Direction Technique healed a stomach, tinnitus, deafness all of which were caused by viruses, as well explaining what the sounds are of herpes, shingles, chicken pox, HIV/AIDs, influenza. However, the most important message I want to share to the world how the power of energy and harmonic sound vibrations can heal a body and the virus.                             

Each of us has the power and ability already within us to create a positive life. When you add the new energy of Direction Technique you are able to channel your existing energy into a form that helps your neurons to function at a new level that allows for new thought positivity to vibrate in your cells and is transmitted throughout your body and brain to help you to regain hope and live a fulfilling life.

Katrina Jean Taylor

Medical Intuitive/Energy Healer


