Unlocking Wellness from within: Your Journey to Healing with Medical Intuition

Tune in to an enlightening episode of the Katrina Jean Taylor Medical Intuitive Healing podcast, featuring an insightful interview with Nicole Sheppar. In this episode, we delve into the highlights of last month's conference, focusing on communicating with the body's intelligence.

Discover the transformative Monthly Workshops designed to target Medical Intuitive Skills learned in our Certified Course. Katrina Jean Taylor, the founder and interviewer, shares her expertise in honing accurate intuitive skills to facilitate communication between the mind, body, and soul. Learn natural ways to heal and discover methods to support overall well-being.

Highlights from the podcast:

  • Level 1 Training: Dive into intuitive skills and explore the significance of the 7 glands, starting with the thyroid gland. Learn to release blocked energy without causing harm, working in harmony with medical practices.

  • Teleporting to Thyroid Gland: Gain insights into using Direction Technique to navigate to blocked areas of the body, ensuring focus and avoiding distractions. Three breaths technique for clarity and guidance.

  • Holistic Healing Approach: Understand the importance of focusing on all glands to effectively communicate with the body. Address specific issues, such as stomach problems, with a strategic and timely approach.

  • Saliva and Initial Invasion: Explore the critical role of saliva in identifying initial invasions and how energies can be transferred and rejuvenated through energy healing.

  • Sound Healing: Recognize the power of sound in harmonious healing for cells. Replace old thoughts with new strategies and directions after healing sessions.

  • Awareness and Healthy Habits: Emphasize the significance of awareness in transforming unhealthy habits. Use healing sessions to rid confusion and listen to the stories and words through Direction Technique.

  • Empathy and Ancient Heat Therapy: Learn empathy and observation skills. Level 3 introduces Ancient Heat Therapy, tapping into ancient ways to transfer disease and restore balance.

  • Timing and Inner Wisdom: Discover the key to making critical decisions through understanding the importance of timing. Be centered, use time wisely, and be in the right place at the right time.

Join us on this journey of self-discovery, healing, and empowerment. The Direction Technique podcast is your guide to gaining knowledge, finding inner answers, and supporting your process for positive change. Tune in now for an immersive exploration into the realms of intuitive healing and transformative practices.