Underwater Bliss: Meditation for Kids & Adults to Enhance Focus: Discover More


Underwater Bliss: Meditation for Kids & Adults to Enhance Focus: Discover More


Dolphin Dreams: A Guided Meditation for Well-being and Happiness
Video Audio Meditation

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AUD $7 / USD $4.78, “5 min, 300 Sec”

Nourish Your Inner Child: Dolphin Meditation for Kids and Adults

Find Direction and Balance with Dolphin Meditation for Children and Adults. This unique technique utilizes the calming and energizing sounds of dolphins and whales to help both kids and adults balance their lives with rest and play while calming the nervous system. This active meditation brings together the happiness of the dolphin sounds, focused intentions for the mind, and balances the chakras of the body, which are aligned with the body's endocrine and hormonal system. This meditation is designed to lift your energy, feel spiritually balanced, and bring an abundance of positive energy into your body and life. Connecting with the sounds of the dolphin's heartbeat brings feelings of joy and inner peace.

By incorporating imagery, this meditation stimulates the mind and enhances the healing process. Imagery allows you to create vivid mental pictures and experiences, engaging your senses and imagination. This stimulation helps you focus your attention inward, deepening your connection with your inner self and facilitating inner healing.

Rainbow Playtime: A Dolphin-Guided Meditation for Kids and Adults to Find Calm and Confidence is designed to help both children and adults with focus and confidence. Whether you're a child or an adult, you can set specific intentions for the day, such as schoolwork, sleeping at night, feeling confident, believing in yourself, and feeling calm. Through guided imagery, this meditation stimulates the mind's eye, allowing you to visualize a colorful and empowering journey that supports your focus and instills confidence.

Whale Serenade: A Fun and Relaxing Meditation for Kids and Adults to Improve Sleep and Emotional Wellness is perfect for both children and adults looking to improve their sleep and emotional wellness. Through the power of imagery, you can create a mental sanctuary where you feel safe and at ease. This visualization of the calming presence of dolphins and whales, combined with soothing sounds, promotes relaxation, improves sleep quality, and nurtures emotional well-being.

Perfect for both kids and adults to benefit from, this meditation will help you nourish your mind, body, and soul and improve your overall well-being. By incorporating imagery to stimulate the mind, you can enhance your focus and inner healing. Join in to experience the calming and energizing sounds of dolphins and whales, and find direction and balance in your life.

Direction Technique Three Quick Breaths Meditations

©2017 Direction Technique reserves all rights to the owner of the copyright in this sound recording. Any copying, renting, lending, diffusion, public performance, or broadcast of this soundtrack without the authority of the copyright owner is prohibited. Made in Australia.