Decision Making with Clarity

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Decision Making with Clarity

from $40.00

Create Energy:How to make Decisions in Everyday Life and in Critical Times

Remove Energy Blocks to Create the Future You Want

In life, there are many choices and many paradigms functioning simultaneously. Therefore, in order to make the right decisions, it is important to clear any stagnant energy or blocks to knowing what you want.

Consider, for example, a surfing accident I witnessed using the Universal Library. I was taken back to the split second before the accident, when the surfer knew he had made the wrong choice, onethat resulted in his being injured. But was it really the wrong decision?By visiting the Universal Library, using the Direction Technique, I saw that by doing what he did, this man had missed a collision with a sharp reef by a millimetre—if he had made a different decision, he could have sustained a far more serious injury.

So how do you make the right decision?

Decision Making with Clarity:
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Remove Energy Blocks to Create the Future You Want

In life, there are many choices and many paradigms functioning simultaneously. Therefore, in order to make the right decisions, it is important to clear any stagnant energy or blocks to knowing what you want.

Consider, for example, a surfing accident I witnessed using the Universal Library. I was taken back to the split second before the accident, when the surfer knew he had made the wrong choice, onethat resulted in his being injured. But was it really the wrong decision?By visiting the Universal Library, using the Direction Technique, I saw that by doing what he did, this man had missed a collision with a sharp reef by a millimetre—if he had made a different decision, he could have sustained a far more serious injury.

So how do you make the right decision? Imagine driving down a road. You come to an intersection, and turning either right or left will getyou to your final destination. You decide to turn right rather than left. Why didn’t you take the left turn, a decision that, if you had, could have led to your car being hit by another, and maybe experiencinginjuries? There are many such scenarios in life. The key to making the correct choice for your well being is in training your mind to trust. To trust that you are aligned with divine timing, being in the right place at the right time and that everything you have experienced so far is right because it has led to you being the person you are now.

How to Make a Decision at the Right Time

In times of crisis, the brain can become overloaded. When you let go and heal, you are placing your trust in being able to flow more with life and be in the right place at the right time. You synchronize your life with positive events. You trust that situations will unfold inharmony with divine timing. So what is divine timing? Divine timingis oneness, the key to success. It is being in the right place at the right time. It allows you to have patience, provides you with experiences in life that allow you to learn what you need to know. Experience helps with decision-making, so with more experience, you can make better choices. Fear can trap you and prevent you from moving forward. Let go and trust your instincts, and your life will unfold.

Affirmations for Feeling Safe and Knowing Your Own Answers

I am perfect
I create whatever I want. I understand who I am
I know who I am

Extract: Focus for Direction: How to Self Heal and Find Your Own Answers:
Katrina Jean Taylor: Page 73