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Online Interactive Course: Focus Your Third Eye

Medical Intuitive Energy Healing
Sun, Oct 28th, Webcast 2pm-3.30pm Western Australia/ 1 pm Jakarta, Indonesia

2 pm
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Medical Intuitive Energy Healing
Sun, Oct 28th, Webcast 2pm-3.30pm Western Australia/ 1 pm Jakarta, Indonesia

+61 415341762

2 pm Perth time zone
Please check your local time at this link :

Only 10 seats available in the Zoom Webinar Room. This event be audio recorded if you miss the On-Line Live Webinar

Energy Healing the Natural Way
Focus your Third Eye

  • An introduction to Medical Intuition

  • Why the pituitary gland needs to evolve

  • Focus your third eye to feel protected

  • Be your own visionary

  • Balance your own thyroid gland

  • Medical Intuitive demonstration

  • Take control of your own natural healing powers.

  • Direct energy with focused intentions

  • Listen to parts of the body that need healing and support

  • Find peace, direction, and strategies to move forward in your life.

  • Mindful meditation

  • Crystal singing bowls sound healing meditation while guiding you to balance your 7 glands, find blocked energy in your body, allowing you to focus on your thyroid to intuitively remote view inside your body.

  • Discover the healing power of your thyroid gland

  • Learn 3 quick breaths that help you be your own medical intuitive

  • Listen to the intensity created by the healing sounds of the crystal bowls

  • Bring peace and harmony to your life and the world around you.

  • Intuitive support to learn the Direction Technique to find your own wisdom

  • Creates a positive future

  • Develops foresight

  • Trains you to be a visionary

  • Wakes up the ability to intuitively see 

  • Predict with accuracy

  • Reduce unwanted thoughts

  • Focuses your third eye

  • Stimulates the brain to relay messages for the pituitary gland to produce hormones that affects all parts of the body.

Includes on-line zoom workshop. It is a wonderful way to continue your medical Intuitive training

  • 90 Minutes

  • Log in only once to conference

  • Audio taped and sent to email if missed

  • 40 minute learning time

  • 20 minute connection with others and reflection

  • 30 minute question and answer time

  • Crystal singing bowls

  • Meditation

  • Worksheet for continue training

Join this Unique Oct Medical Intuitive Energy Healing workshop delivered by an international medical intuitive teacher, speaker, and author Katrina Jean Taylor. Experience a new method to self-heal, listen to the healing sounds of the crystal bowls, and energize your thyroid gland.  Free yourself and shift energy with ease. 

This training is the perfect balance of western medicine and developing your intuition to help eliminate stress, overcome fear, eliminate pain, remove trauma from the body, and more. Being your own medical intuitive taps into your own powerful intuitive senses to calm the nervous system, releases blockages in the meridian points in your body and brings positive energy flowing within your body & mind. Let go of unnecessary negative thoughts and find time to get back to your inner self and believe you can self-heal.

Combining ancient knowledge, medical intuitive skills and the Direction Technique empowers you to find wisdom and strategies to bring clarity in your life. It is truly amazing. You will feel more at ease, stable and focussed. 

The Direction Technique is an effective method for shifting all forms of blocked energy. It alleviates pain, cleanses your mind, soul, aura & body, realigns your heart and brings balance back to your life as well as your body. You will be taught the ability to use ancient knowledge to balance the endocrine system, glands, hormones, nervous, structural, skeletal systems, reduce anxiety, depression, relieve stress,  improve self-esteem, dissolves grief. You will learn the difference between healthier anger and destructive anger, gain respect and trust back in your life, improves relationships, and so much more. 

This course teaches medical intuitive skills and how energy fields around and within the body affect the health of the mind, soul, and body. Understanding how to use energy for healing improves physical and emotional disease.

You will come away with the ability to use your intuition to be your own medical intuitive to create energy in your body, thyroid gland and specifically the pituitary gland

In this experience, I will guide you on a online interactive journey to enjoy the life-changing benefits of meditation, medical intuitive skills and an easy way to self heal.  I will offer deep wisdom, practical tools and refreshing insights to help you grow and evolve.