Echoes of Ancient Wisdom

Revealing the Healing Power of Ancient Wisdom

The Direction Technique: Accessing Ancient Healing for Your Future

Welcome to our podcast where we delve into the transformative potential of ancient healing practices and shamanism. These time-honored traditions offer powerful tools for self-healing and spiritual growth.

In today's episode, we'll explore the concept of Focused Heat Therapy—a valuable technique that harnesses the power of heat to facilitate healing within the body. By tapping into ancient methods of harnessing elemental forces, we can access profound levels of healing and restoration.

But why refer to these practices as "traditional healing"? Perhaps because they are rooted in the wisdom of those who lived in harmony with the planet, serving as stewards of its natural energies.

Through practices like Focused Heat Therapy, we learn to channel the elements—such as water—effectively, promoting balance and vitality in our bodies and lives. It's about aligning ourselves with the energies of the universe, inviting in pure thoughts and intentions that pave the way for effective healing.

Respecting the term "shamanism," we honor the lineage of traditional healers who devoted their lives to protecting and nurturing themselves and their communities. By cleansing our energy fields and embracing self-respect, we invite in positive, harmonious energies that support our well-being.

So, let's tap into the vast reservoir of knowledge left behind by these ancient healers. Through practices like the Direction Technique, we can find stability and connection to these timeless ways, empowering ourselves to navigate life's challenges with wisdom.

Join us as we journey into the heart of ancient healing, unlocking the secrets of the past to shape a brighter, more vibrant future.

Unlocking Wellness from within: Your Journey to Healing with Medical Intuition

Tune in to an enlightening episode of the Katrina Jean Taylor Medical Intuitive Healing podcast, featuring an insightful interview with Nicole Sheppar. In this episode, we delve into the highlights of last month's conference, focusing on communicating with the body's intelligence.

Discover the transformative Monthly Workshops designed to target Medical Intuitive Skills learned in our Certified Course. Katrina Jean Taylor, the founder and interviewer, shares her expertise in honing accurate intuitive skills to facilitate communication between the mind, body, and soul. Learn natural ways to heal and discover methods to support overall well-being.

Highlights from the podcast:

  • Level 1 Training: Dive into intuitive skills and explore the significance of the 7 glands, starting with the thyroid gland. Learn to release blocked energy without causing harm, working in harmony with medical practices.

  • Teleporting to Thyroid Gland: Gain insights into using Direction Technique to navigate to blocked areas of the body, ensuring focus and avoiding distractions. Three breaths technique for clarity and guidance.

  • Holistic Healing Approach: Understand the importance of focusing on all glands to effectively communicate with the body. Address specific issues, such as stomach problems, with a strategic and timely approach.

  • Saliva and Initial Invasion: Explore the critical role of saliva in identifying initial invasions and how energies can be transferred and rejuvenated through energy healing.

  • Sound Healing: Recognize the power of sound in harmonious healing for cells. Replace old thoughts with new strategies and directions after healing sessions.

  • Awareness and Healthy Habits: Emphasize the significance of awareness in transforming unhealthy habits. Use healing sessions to rid confusion and listen to the stories and words through Direction Technique.

  • Empathy and Ancient Heat Therapy: Learn empathy and observation skills. Level 3 introduces Ancient Heat Therapy, tapping into ancient ways to transfer disease and restore balance.

  • Timing and Inner Wisdom: Discover the key to making critical decisions through understanding the importance of timing. Be centered, use time wisely, and be in the right place at the right time.

Join us on this journey of self-discovery, healing, and empowerment. The Direction Technique podcast is your guide to gaining knowledge, finding inner answers, and supporting your process for positive change. Tune in now for an immersive exploration into the realms of intuitive healing and transformative practices.

Joyce talks about Medical Intuitive with Katrina Jean Taylor

In this illuminating episode, join us as Joyce engages in a compelling conversation with the founder of our esteemed energy healing consultancy firm, Katrina Jean Taylor. Dive deep into the realm of Medical Intuition, a fascinating aspect of energy healing that explores the connection between mind, body, and spirit.

Katrina, with her wealth of knowledge and experience, unravels the mysteries of Medical Intuition, shedding light on how it can offer profound insights into one's health and well-being. Discover the transformative power of intuitive healing practices and gain a deeper understanding of the subtle energies that influence our physical and emotional states.

Whether you're new to the world of energy healing or a seasoned practitioner, this podcast is a valuable resource for anyone curious about the intersection of intuition and medicine. Tune in to explore the profound wisdom that Medical Intuition brings to the forefront, and embark on a journey towards holistic healing.

Make it happen :)

Emerging Intuitive Gifts In Our world - Autism

Join us on this enlightening episode as we welcome Katrina Jean Taylor, the visionary CEO and Founder of Direction Technique, a leading energy healing consulting firm. Katrina brings a unique perspective to the conversation, delving into the fascinating topic of intuitive abilities emerging within the context of Autism.

Katrina's extensive experience and deep understanding of energy healing provide a powerful lens through which to explore this phenomenon. With a compassionate and holistic approach, she sheds light on how individuals on the Autism spectrum can tap into their intuitive gifts, offering a fresh perspective on their journey toward self-discovery and empowerment.

In this episode, we'll uncover:

The Intersection of Energy Healing and Autism: Discover how energy healing practices can support individuals with Autism in embracing and harnessing their intuitive abilities.

Personal Stories and Insights: Through Katrina's wealth of experience, hear inspiring anecdotes and transformative moments that highlight the potential for growth and self-realization within the Autism community.

Practical Techniques and Strategies: Gain valuable insights into how families, caregivers, and individuals themselves can cultivate and nurture intuitive abilities in a supportive environment.

The Vision of Direction Technique: Learn about the mission and vision behind Direction Technique, a consultancy dedicated to facilitating holistic well-being for all individuals.

Don't miss this profound conversation that bridges the worlds of energy healing and Autism, offering a fresh perspective on how intuitive abilities are emerging in our world. Tune in for an episode filled with wisdom, compassion, and hope.

The Thymus Gland Journey: Intuitive Healing for Vibrant Health and Immunity

How Can a Medical Intuitive Healing Help the Thyroid Gland?

Embark on a transformative Thymus Gland Journey in this enlightening podcast, uniting intuitive healing, affirmations, and the Direction Technique's three simple breaths. Discover the Thymus Gland's pivotal role in bolstering immunity and fostering vibrant health. Address disruptions hindering its optimal function, unlocking potentials for adaptation and evolution. Embrace affirmations to reshape negative thoughts and self-sabotage, empowering your healing journey. Explore the simplicity of the Direction Technique's three breaths, guiding you towards deep healing and inner wisdom. Tune in to revitalize your mind, body, and spirit, awakening your Thymus Gland's innate power for a healthier, resilient you.

The Thymus Gland, central to optimum health, develops and matures essential immune system components like T-cells. Remote view the thymus gland, strengthening overall immunity. Intuitive insights help identify disruptions caused by hardships and confusion, allowing energy to flow freely.

Discover the link between the thymus gland's health and adaptation, vital for coping with challenges, including viral infections like COVID. Address negative thought patterns sabotaging progress towards improved health.

Medical Intuitive: Harmonizing Brain, Mind, and Words for Adaptation, Evolution, and Fear Release

Harmonize your brain, mind, and words through intuitive practices, promoting adaptation and evolution, empowering change and fear release. Nourish the thymus gland, unlocking personal transformation and immune system optimization.

Medical Intuitive: Can We Unlock the Power of the Thymus Gland and Ancient Shamanic Healing?

Explore the vital role of the Thymus Gland in strengthening immunity and fostering vibrant health. Unveil ancient Inca and Mongolian Shamanic practices for deep healing. In this podcast, dive into the wisdom of the Incas, harnessing sun energy for wellness. Explore Mongolian shamans' practices, using unique motions and heat for profound rejuvenation.

The Thymus Gland matures vital immune components like T-cells. Through intuitive viewing, bolster its vibrancy and strength, addressing disruptions. Gain insights into its role in adaptation, crucial for coping with challenges like COVID. Stop sabotaging health by addressing negative thoughts.

Harmonize your brain, mind, and words, promoting evolution and change acceptance. Nourish the thymus gland for personal transformation, unlocking immune system optimization.

This captivating podcast revitalizes mind, body, and spirit, awakening Thymus Gland power. Explore ancient healing secrets, sun energy, Mongolian shamanic practices. Enrich life with intuitive healing, deep insights, affirmations. Delve into the Thymus Gland's realms for vibrant health. Click now to awaken inner power and embark on healing transformation.

Adapting, Evolving, and Cohabitating with Viruses: Empowering Affirmations for Deep Healing and Wise Decisions in Times of Crises

In this transformative podcast with Katrina Jean Taylor and Nicole Sheppard, we delve into the realm of deep healing and the art of making wise decisions during challenging times. Discover powerful affirmations to shift your thinking and empower yourself to face crises with resilience and clarity. Embrace the intelligence of viruses within your body, learning to coexist and communicate with them on a profound level. Challenge limiting beliefs about certain viruses, allowing yourself to adapt and evolve in harmony with the natural intelligence of your body. Through guided meditations and visualizations, we explore the Thymus gland's potential to strengthen immunity and foster hope in times of uncertainty. Tune in to the harmonic tones and vibrations that can unlock the healing power within, leading you towards making sound decisions during crises. Let's embark on a journey of self-discovery, finding truth and deep healing within, and emerge stronger and wiser to face any challenge life throws our way.

The Power of Sound Meditation: A Journey to Inner Peace and Harmony

Escape the clutches of stress, anxiety, and overwhelm as we dive into the captivating realm of sound meditation. Join us on an enlightening journey where you'll uncover the secrets to finding inner peace, achieving deep relaxation, and restoring balance in your life. Discover the profound impact of sound meditation through an in-depth exploration of transformative techniques, including the mesmerizing tones of singing bowls, resonant gongs, and enchanting chimes. Delve into the realm of your body's innate healing abilities and embrace personal narratives from individuals who have experienced the profound effects of sound meditation. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned meditator, this awe-inspiring video will ignite your curiosity, guiding you towards a world of harmonious well-being and inspiring you to embark on a transformative sound meditation adventure. Make it happen :)

Feel free to contact us to learn more about how we can help you achieve success in your personal and professional life at

Take Control of Anxiety Podcast: Click here to listen



"Mindful thinking brings stability to your life"

Katrina Jean Taylor and Nicole Sheppard podcast about anxiety. Explains what the Direction Technique energy  healing method is and how it helps people change daily habits to empower themselves, create a better future, and emotionally understand themselves.

Understanding where anxiety is stored in the body, helps brings relief to the client. Without understanding anxiety or not knowing you suffer from anxiety, how can you change if you do not know what to change?

Discover tools to change excessive or any forms of anxiety that hold you back.  Learn to recognize when your anxiety is stopping you to move forward or change a situation. 

Help your body wake up the natural healing abilities to change the environment in the cells. Feeling safe and using  instincts/intuitive senses need to be your first point of awareness for healing.

Listen to the insightful Take Control of Anxiety podcast and download the Take Control of Anxiety Guided Healing Meditation to use anywhere, anytime, and throughout your life.

Unveiling the Power Within: Exploring Energetic Healing and Addressing the Root Cause Podcast

Welcome to our podcast, where we explore the depths of healing and go beyond surface-level symptom treatment. It's about addressing the root cause of a condition. In our podcast, join Katrina Jean Taylor and Nicole Sheppard as they explain the significance of numbers in the Direction Technique and delve into the world of energetic healing. Get ready to gain profound insights and expand your understanding of the transformative potential that energy healing holds.

Unleashing the Power of Energy Healing: Exploring the Direction Technique and Beyond

In this captivating podcast, embark on a transformative journey with acclaimed author, medical Intuitive, and accredited Energy Healer, Katrina Jean Taylor, and engaging interviewer Nicole Sheppard. Together, they unravel the profound significance of numbers in the Direction Technique and invite you into the captivating realm of energetic healing. Prepare to expand your understanding and gain profound insights into the remarkable potential of energy healing.

Key Topics Covered in the Podcast:

  1. The Direction Technique Unveiled: Understanding Its Mechanics and Impact Discover a simple and effective self-healing system that empowers you to take charge of your well-being.

  2. Words that Heal: Harnessing the Transformative Power of Language Explore the remarkable influence of specific vocabulary in bringing healing and positive transformation to your life.

  3. Navigating Prolonged Grief: Mindfulness Visualization Techniques Learn valuable techniques to identify and release the deep-rooted causes of grief through mindful visualization.

  4. Awakening Cellular Intelligence: Tapping into Inner Wisdom Unlock the innate intelligence of your cells to foster happiness and overall well-being.

  5. Foundations of Energy Healing: Unraveling the Principles Dive deep into the fundamental principles and concepts that underpin energy healing practices.

  6. Rewiring Your Brain: Techniques for Optimal Healing and Stress Reduction Explore powerful methods to train and rewire your brain, facilitating optimal healing and stress reduction.

  7. Achieving Harmony and Stability: Strategies for Holistic Balance Discover effective strategies to connect and harmonize all aspects of your being, even in the face of adversity.

  8. Healing Inside Out: Embracing a Holistic Approach Explore the profound impact of addressing both internal and external factors in the healing process.

  9. Unveiling the Root Cause: Illuminating the Source of Challenges Gain invaluable insights into identifying the underlying causes of physical, emotional, and spiritual struggles.

Tune in to this captivating podcast as Nicole Sheppard engages in a profound conversation with Katrina Jean Taylor. Unlock a wealth of knowledge and transformative techniques that will empower you on your personal journey of self-healing and profound transformation. Tap into the power to unleash your healing potential!

Ancient Healing Unveiled: Exploring Shamanic Practices and Focused Heat Therapy

Join us in this captivating podcast as we dive into the realm of shamanism, ancient healing, and the transformative power of focused heat therapy. As a shaman, ancient healer, and writer, I, Katrina Jean Taylor, along with interviewer Nicole Sheppard, invite you to discover profound knowledge about shamanic practices and awaken your innate ability to find intuitive answers within yourself.

Throughout the podcast, we explore various topics, including:

  1. Focused Heat Therapy: Unveiling Its Potential Learn about the principles and benefits of focused heat therapy and how it can be incorporated into your healing journey.

  2. Managing Tinnitus: The Direction Technique Approach with Focused Heat Therapy Discover effective techniques to alleviate tinnitus using the Direction Technique's focused heat therapy.

  3. Targeting Focused Heat Therapy: Techniques and Practices Gain insights into the methods and approaches to effectively target focused heat therapy for healing purposes.

  4. Exploring the Etheric Field: Understanding the Energetic Body Delve into the concept of the etheric field and its significance in shamanic healing and overall well-being.

  5. Shamanic Knowledge: Ancient Wisdom for Healing Unlock the profound wisdom and practices of shamanism, tapping into powerful, intuitive, and directed ways to facilitate healing.

  6. Energy Shifting and Heat Therapy: Unraveling Disease Transfer and Healing Potential Understand the transformative power of energy shifting and heat therapy in addressing diseases and promoting overall well-being.

  7. Global Warming and Viral Spread: Exploring the Energetic Perspective Gain insights into the connection between global warming and the energetic dynamics of viral spread.

  8. The Power of Intuition: Looking Within for Answers Discover the innate intuitive resources within yourself and learn to harness them for self-healing and guidance.

Listen to our podcast as we delve into these thought-provoking topics and provide answers to your questions about the Direction Technique. Explore the transformative potential of energy work and discover how it can guide you on your journey of self-healing and personal growth. Join us on this enlightening and empowering exploration with interviews featuring Nicole Sheppard and myself, Katrina Jean Taylor.

"I loved the latest podcast. It was perfect timing to listen. I woke last night in a hot sweat. I felt like I was burning off something deep within me. I went back to sleep and had a dream which I felt protected. I want to thank you, Trina, for helping me understand and develop my own intuitive gifts. The culmination of all the Direction Technique workshops and private healings has given me the confidence to listen, intuit, and know what to do. This month's topic has been very deep. To sum it up, it has cleaned up my life. My auric field feels lighter, I'm having clear boundaries, and energy exchange is equal." - Joyce Pereira-Helmuth.